Condessa de Melo, Realeza

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Condessa de Melo

Sou acadêmica, autora de livros históricos, gramáticas, dicionários de idiomas e ainda, a Bíblia Sagrada. Tenho 37 anos e resido em Olinda e no resto do Mundo. Gosto de ler, música e cinema.

Sou acadêmica, autora de livros históricos, gramáticas, dicionários de idiomas e ainda, a Bíblia Sagrada. Tenho 37 anos e resido em Olinda e no resto do Mundo. Gosto de ler, música e cinema.

Condessa de Melo


The London History Festival 2021

Rafaela da Silva Melo

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November is the London History Festival month and this year we have a series of ten events on the programme we hope will both entertain and enlighten you.

We are thrilled to welcome Molly Boyd, Giles Milton, Sarah Gristwood, Dan Jones, Marina Wheeler, Dermot Turing, Patrick Vernon, Angelina Osborne, Simon Thurley, Stephen Hoare and Jacky Colliss Harvey - all of them presenting their latest work of non-fiction history.

Most Festival talks are offered as 'hybrid' or 'blended' events - meaning they will happen in Kensington Central Library lecture hall in front of a live audience, while at the same time being streamed to those joining us online.

If you would like to join us IN PERSON - please ensure that you purchase an in-person ticket. All in-person tickets include a refreshment and there will be opportunity to buy a book and have it signed by the author after each talk. Feel free to bring your own copy - what better Christmas present than a book inscribed by the author to a history lover?

Clique aqui para mais informações e participar.

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